
Artist books


Fascism messed with my brain, and so did Communism


Curadoria/curated by João Ribas, Jornal/Newspaper produzido para/produced for the 4th Ural Industrial Biennial, New Literacy, Ural, Russia

Composição a partir de autocolantes do período PREC _Processo Revolucionário em Curso (1974-76), onde é retirada a informação, criando novos padrões e composições.

Composition made from stickers from de period after Revolution (*), where information is removed, creating new patterns and compositions.

(*)PREC (Processo Revolucionário em Curso / The Ongoing Revolutionary Process) was the period during the portuguese transition to democracy.

@Carla Filipe, Design Carla Filipe e/ and Duarte Amorim ( Bolos Quentes), tamanho / size 45×30 cm (fechado/closed).